Celebrating the success of the STAR Community Online Conference

At 21:00 on March 21, 2022 (GMT+8), representatives of the STAR community brought 1500,000,000 Tokens to the conference site and had a wonderful interaction with more than 500 participants. There were up to a thousand spectators waiting outside the conference room. The benefits were distributed through multiple rounds of lottery …

Cryptocurrency and ESG issues: Why Cryptos are better for ESG than you think

In 2022, blockchain enters a new era of development, and cryptocurrency miners and more investors are considering environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues when allocating their portfolios. Additionally, cryptocurrencies are starting to take allocations from more and more investment portfolios. However, some investors may be hesitant due to reports …

DAO Farmer: A review of the past, present and future.

I. DAO Farmer Milestones 2021 September – Foundation and Selection of the Team Members. 2021 October – Developed In-Game Economics and Game Model was Confirmed. 2021 November – The game website (www.daofarmer.com) was officially launched. 2021 December –  The Website launched the Resource section, many Youtubers uploaded an in-depth video …